OK blog readers, get ready, I still have a long mental list of crazy bridal demands that I've heard of and never got to blog about. Even though my wedding is over, I feel like I'll be intimately involved in a few more in the future. So, let's discuss what is OK and NOT OK in the world of weddings...

Would you...

Ask a bridesmaid to cover her tattoos?

Let's start with this... if you attended my wedding, did you see any tattoos? Well, you should have because one of my ladies definitely has visible tats. I'm just curious if anyone even notices these things in the grand scheme of things. I've seen and heard a lot of brides covering their own tattoos because 1. they're parents disapprove 2. they want the pictures to look "classic" (whatever that means). 3. anyone got other reasons?

Would you ask one of your ladies to cover up their ink on your big day?

I vote no. Obviously, I didn't but I can't imagine any reason I would've. I like tattoos, in fact, I really really really want some turtles on my foot.

Un-bridesmaid a friend 'cause she was pregnant?

Obviously, I didn't do this either. I'm assuming you noticed my beautiful bridesmaid Carly's belly and all of our crazy pictures hugging it the whole day. But, I have to say, I know people who have seen this happen. This isn't just crap people write on internet forums.

I vote never!!! If your friend decides its too much of a burden, that's one thing. If your wedding happens to be very close to her due date then I can see her stepping down but I would imagine that should be a nice, friendly conversation and not an "un-bridesmaiding". Carly was very pregnant at the time of my wedding but she looked awesome and she handled the day on her feet quite well. She even lugged around her high heels while we took photos all over the city and would slip out of her flip flops and into heels at each location. BTW, this also REALLY confused our flower girl who spent a good hour trying to figure out why there was always an extra pair of shoes nearby.

ask them not to wear their own wedding/engagement rings?

I've blogged about this before but it really stuck with me. Half my bridesmaids were married. I don't think I have any right to ask them not to wear their rings. I can't imagine how their rings would ever "ruin" my wedding party look. I mean, the only rings the photographers get close up are the bride and groom's rings. I'm really curious to see this play out in real life. "Hey friend, while you stand up and help support me in my marriage, can you take off the reminder that you've also committed your heart and life to someone? It just seems weird to me that you'd want the symbol of your marriage present at my marriage." weird.

ask your ladies to get a spray tan?

I mean, tan lines suck. I didn't want them on me for the wedding but it never crossed my mind to worry about my bridal party. But, then again, how could I?  I was too busy freaking out over Bri's tattoos and Carly's pregnant belly. Actually, Kelly said "I have a bad farmer's tan, sorry" when she arrived for the weekend. haha!

But, I don't think I'd ever demand my girls get tan. I mean, Erin is practically albino, she'd look silly. I want them to look like themselves. But, I really don't think some little strap lines are going to destroy my wedding look either. How would you ask your girls to get tans? I guess you'd offer to pay for them. But, if they decline, which I think a lot of people would do, would you push it further? Anyone ever been asked to tan for a wedding?

I'll end this with some pics of my lovely ladies having fun and making my day AMAZING!!! They all looked beautiful even wading in my fountain 'cause their feet hurt or changing out of their uncomfortable dress for another!

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