Groom's Cake
I don't know if anyone else is watching Four Weddings this evening on TLC, but I was just inspired for a quick blog post.

Groom's cake= awesome wedding tradition.

What's not good is when you make the groom's cake in the likeness of your dead dog!!! WEIRD!

Instead, you should make red velvet cake balls shaped like Metroids and 1 UP mini cupcakes for the rehearsal dinner. So, rock on with weird things for your groom's cake, just don't get too weird.

In my humble opinion, the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner should be really fun! Our included only our family and wedding party. I thought it was a good time to do something quirky for Andy's love of video games.

Here's so images of our rehearsal festivities:

My wedding party!
When you plan a wedding, you see so many ladies agonize over every little detail. That's just not me, we all know I'm not really a details person. This was especially true when it comes to my bridesmaids. This is my plea for any ladies in the planning stages...

The shoes don't matter.

shoes, wonderful shoes!
Here's a picture of my whole wedding party. Click on it and make it larger. Can you even tell my ladies and I are all wearing these?!

I vote nope! My are teal. Shanna's are gold. Amanda's are sparkly flippy floppies.

I know, my ladies are in long dresses. So, to prove my point, I also dug out a picture from Bri's wedding. We're all in different dresses and different shoes. 

Candid photo of the girls :)
Even if mismatched dresses aren't your thing, I argue that you can barely notice that ours shoes are different. Also, I want to mention that it took me a good half hour digging through my photos trying to find a full length photo that could possibly even show feet.

So, do your ladies a favor... don't make them do identical shoes. Give them a color, guidance, etc. but they'll be much happier finding a pair that is comfortable to them.

First things first on the wedding recap... some long overdue pictures for those who didn't attend. I mean, I didn't even post them on facebook. I know, I know. Funny thing is I LOVE MY PHOTOS! Our photographers, Mike and Kelly, were amazing! So, I have no excuse for not posting them... so here they are!!

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